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Want to get started with presuppositional apologetics? Check out Eli's reading list below

Against All Opposition

Against All Opposition

This book is a game-changer. It is THE apologetics manual from THE master apologist. Based on lectures that Dr. Bahnsen gave to students in 1991, this book clearly and simply shows how to defend the Christian faith.

The Forgotten Trinity

The Forgotten Trinity

The Trinity is a basic teaching of the Christian faith. It defines God's essence and describes how He relates to us. The Forgotten Trinity is a concise, understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters. It refutes cultic distortions of God. It shows how a grasp of this significant teaching leads to renewed worship and deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian. And amid today's emphasis on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, The Forgotten Trinity is a balanced

The Ultimate Proof of Creation

The Ultimate Proof of Creation

It's a bold title: The Ultimate Proof of Creation. But is there such a thing? There are many books that contain seemingly powerful arguments for biblical creation. But is there an ultimate proof of creation? There is an argument for creation that is powerful, conclusive, and has no true rebuttal. As such, it is an irrefutable argument-an "ultimate proof" of the Christian worldview biblical creation. Master the method outlined in the following chapters, and you will be able to defend Christianit

Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith

Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith

An introduction to Christian presuppositional apologetics.

The Trinity and the Vindication of Christian Paradox

The Trinity and the Vindication of Christian Paradox

The Trinity and the Vindication of Christian Paradox grapples with the question of how one may hold together the ideals of systematic theology, apologetic proof, and theological paradox by building on the insights of Cornelius Van Til.

God's Word Alone

God's Word Alone

In God’s Word Alone—The Authority of Scripture, scholar and pastor Matthew Barrett looks at the historical and biblical roots of the doctrine that Scripture alone is the final and decisive authority for God’s people. He examines the development of this theme in the Reformation and traces the crisis that followed resulting in a shift away from the authority of Scripture. Barrett shows that we need to recover a robust doctrine of Scripture’s authority in the face of today’s challenges and why a so

Christian Apologetics

Christian Apologetics

This book is Van Til's most complete succinct introduction to his method of defending the faith. Here he presents the underpinnings of this uniquely biblical approach. Van Til shows how Christian apologetics is rooted in a unified system of scriptural truth, a worldview that encompasses all spheres of knowledge.

Covenantal Apologetics

Covenantal Apologetics

Defending the faith can be daunting, and a well-reasoned and biblically grounded apologetic is essential for the challenge. Following in the footsteps of groundbreaking apologist Cornelius Van Til, Scott Oliphint presents us with an introduction to Reformed apologetics as he sets forth the principles behind a distinctly “covenantal” approach. This book clearly explains the theological foundations of covenantal apologetics and illustrates its application in real-world conversations with unbelieve

Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended

Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended

This volume presents the systematic counterpart to Bahnsen's earlier publication, Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis. While that previous work included a broad and topical overview and explanation of Van Til's contribution—which, though highly organized according to an outline, and much more accessible than Van Til's own massive corpus of writing, still does not fully execute the task of a systematic work—this volume gets closer to an apologetical version of “systematic theology,” as op

The Defense of the Faith

The Defense of the Faith

This new annotated edition of The Defense of the Faith restores the full text of the original work in a form that is more easily understood. Cornelius Van Til, who taught for more than forty-five years at Westminster Seminary, sometimes used philosophical vocabulary in The Defense, and many of his conversation partners and critics were not widely known. When later editions greatly abridged this work for these reasons, valuable discussions were laid aside.

We Destroy Arguments

We Destroy Arguments

Have you ever had your faith challenged by an unbeliever to where you felt helpless and without an answer? If so, this book is for you. Whether the challenge comes from unsaved loved ones, co-workers, college professors, or TV personalities, you can be certain that such challenges will come to every Christian. Knowing this, the Bible commands every Christian to be ready. The purpose of this book is to help Christians to always be prepared to make a defense for the hope that is within them.

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Apologetics is often considered the hobby of intellectuals, a philosophical "side dish" to Christian truth. But we all need to defend our faith and apply the truth to the concerns of our day.

Van Til's Apologetic

Van Til's Apologetic

Apologetics is often considered the hobby of intellectuals, a philosophical "side dish" to Christian truth. But we all need to defend our faith and apply the truth to the concerns of our day.

Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas

Scott Oliphint’s unique study focuses on Aquinas’s dualistic approach to the natural and revealed knowledge of God and his use of Aristotelian metaphysics. Oliphint provides a response to this methodology in the context of historic Reformed thought and the doctrines of revelation and Scripture.

The Potter's Freedom

The Potter's Freedom

What is Dr. Geisler warning the Christian community about in his book, "Chosen But Free"? ... A new cult? Secularism? False prophesy scenarios? No. Dr. Geisler is sounding the alarm about a system of beliefs commonly called "Calvinism." He insists that this belief system is "theologically inconsistent, philosophically insufficient, and morally repugnant." This book is written as a reply to Dr. Geisler, but is much more; it is a defense of the very principles upon which the Protestant Reformation

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